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Deinstallation and reinstallation of crane rails

Schiene abgekeilt
getrennte Schiene
säubern des Untergrundes
setzen der neuen Schiene
gesetzte Schiene nur gepunktet
setzen der neuen Schienenabschnitte

Two parallel gantry cranes in a concrete section could no longer be moved. After extensive inspection, it was decided to remove the crane rails and replace them with new ones. Before the rails could be re-welded, the crane girder / supports had to be re-measured and straightened. Total length: 80 meters

Potting of old crane rails

During a very extensive renovation and conversion program of a shipyard, a mobile hall was moved. This hall has so far been moved on rails. By moving this hall, the rails are no longer needed. In order to avoid pitfalls and to ensure maximum safety, the space to the left and right of the rail was filled with a concrete for seawater components / reinforced concrete chippings. After the grouting, expansion joints were set. Here, a special PU was used, which is UV resistant.

Ansicht Kranschiene
reinigen der Fläche
gereinigte Fläche
Kranschiene links und rechts verfüllt
Kranschiene links und rechts verfüllt
verfüllte Kranschiene
beschleifen des Betons
Schiene mit Dehnungsfugen

Potting of old crane rails

Beton gewässert
Beton gewässert
Lamelle vergossen
Lamelle vergossen
Lamelle vergossen
Lamelle abgedeckt

During a very extensive renovation and conversion program of a shipyard, a mobile hall was moved. This hall has so far been moved on rails. By moving this hall, the rails are no longer needed. In order to avoid pitfalls and to ensure maximum safety, the space to the left and right of the rail was filled with a concrete for seawater components / reinforced concrete chippings. After the grouting, expansion joints were set. Here, a special PU was used, which is UV resistant.

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