+49(0) 381 66 91 97 40
by Lutz Meiwald & Partner GbR
Marine and Maritime Service
From private boat repair and maintenance to extensive application, for ships of all kinds such as yachts, container ships, ships of the German Navy, for shipyards or on- and offshore installations. We offer you an extensive service in the maritime sector.
This service includes, among others:
- Seals
- Impressions
- Wear-resistant protective coating
- Highly wear-resistant protective coating based on silicon carbide..
- Repairs to exhaust ducts or other hot components up to 1300 ° C
- Metal impregnation in cracks and porosities in structures
- Manufacture of machine foundations (potting)
- Repair of pipes by pitting (cooling water pipes)
- Material leveling of HT and LT radiator caps
- Rubber-Coating of container, lake water tanks and others
- Coating of drinking water producers
- Repair of engine blocks
- Metal-Impregnation